Past Life Healing is a Manifestation of Our Divine Powers

Each of us is capable of much, we just forgot about it after birth. By learning to “open your past lives”, “see and read the aura”, and do many other amazing things, you are contributing to the manifestation of the gift that is inside you – MANIFESTATION OF OUR DIVINE POWER. We are born to develop our soul, to ascend to higher levels of development and to become the best version of ourselves. To ignore these gifts given to us by life itself, means to turn away from Love, the Beauty and the Happiness, for the sake of which man […]

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shamanic healing illinois

What is Shamanic Healing, Journey and How can it Help in Life

Shamanism is not a belief system or a religion, but rather a way of looking at our reality on a much deeper level, the way of communication with the invisible world around us to bring healing to the community as well as to each individual who is asking for healing. 

With each Shamanic session you are able to reintegrate more and more aspects of yourself (of your soul) that have previously been lost, in order to become whole again.
This is what is described in shamanism as soul loss and has many different names in modern psychology.

Book Your Personal Healing Session Now


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Integration Coaching – Plant & Indigenous Medicines Ceremonies Integration Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina Bastet

When you are going through the transformation process and using the help of Plant and indigenous Medicines or other Psychedelic substances you need to be ready to understand the information you will be receiving during your journey from the plant teachers and to correctly implement it into your daily life.
You may hear many scary stories around Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro and other ceremonies using Psychoactive substances.

Book Your Appointment Now

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Despacho Ceremony Wheeling Illinois

Personal Despacho Ceremony for Love, Health, Wealth Attraction

Personal Despacho Ceremony for Love, Health and Wealth Attraction or your other personal need – to benefit you and the World. This is a 1.5-2-hour private ceremony in Wheeling. Book your time now in Wheeling, IL by calling 1224-688-0155 / Call now to Schedule or to get more information. Request your ceremony now or contact to get more information Read what is Despacho and why would you do it

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despacho ceremonies illinois

Meaningful Day of The Year and Why Are They Important, Ceremonies to Connect to Life

You may ask reasonable questions for a human of our modern time. Why do we need to do something different on the days of autumn and spring Equinoxes, the days of the winter and summer Solstice, New Moon and Full Moon times? These questions would never be raised by our ancestors, who lived in a very close connection to Nature. And not because they were primitive as we were told, but just because they knew how important it is to be in connection to nature, to the element, to Sun and Moon and everything else that in our modern society […]

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gemstones for sale illinois

Gemstone Healing with Chakra Balancing Session

During the Gemstone healing session we will be connecting to the healing energy and the intelligence of the gemstones, crystals.

While relaxing and meditation the chakra balancing with healing energies like Reiki will be applied to your energy field by Nina Bastet

During the meditation you will be using the healing energy of Angels to help you in the process.

We will draw the Oracle Cards for guidance.

Book Your Appointment Now

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cacao ceremony chicago Illinois

8 Health Benefits of Raw Cacao and More Interesting Facts

Health benefits of chocolate when it is in the form of raw cacao beans, butter, nibs and/or the powder include: 1. Weight loss (because of its high chromium and coumarin content), 2. Prevention of cavities (theobromine actually kills streptococci mutans one of the strains of bacteria that cause tooth decay) 3. Regulation of blood sugar which is beneficial for diabetes (chromium can naturally regulate blood sugar). 4. Benefits the heart and the entire cardiovascular system as a whole;balance blood pressure, lower high cholesterol, promote general health by reversing heart disease 5. Raw Cacao is the highest whole food source of […]

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Shamanic Sweat Lodge Ceremony Benefits

Shamanic Sweat Ceremonies are used for purification and healing by many indignious people all over the world, not just in the Americas. Sweat lodge ceremonies are common to many Native American tribes. These ceremonies include rites of preparation, prayer, and purification. These ceremonies are done to raise the healing energies on our planet Earth as well as for healing and purification of participants of the Lodge. The Sweat Lodge or Temascal – in Mexico is a ceremonial way of prayer to connect with higher realms, to purify the body and mind, and to uplift the spirit.  The Sweatlodge ceremonies are […]

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