Women’s health is impossible without the health of all women’s internal organs. I found a unique product that has been used in European countries for decades with great results. These herbal products are tamponized capsules with the medicinal composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleaning the female body. The results that are noted by the European medical community are unbelievable. These Tamponized Capsules are made by a reputable Chinese Company – Fohow. I tried these capsules myself and had great results. In my opinion, these pearls are needed by any self-respecting woman. That is, we are now talking about women […]
Read moreSpiritual and Wellness Articles: Herbal Remedies
Agaricus Muscarius Use & Indication, Amanita Muscaria Homeopathic Remedy
Agaricus muscarius, Amanita Muscaria Homeopathic Remedy Amanita muscaria was first introduced into the Homeopathic pharmacopeia in 1828 by Samuel Hahnemann as a preparation of Agaricus muscarius made from fresh mushrooms. Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle of similarity; the principle is that small doses of a drug will have a beneficial effect on the symptoms that a large dose would cause a problem or sickness. For example, snake venom, when it enters the bloodstream, affects the cardiovascular system, but in microdoses it successfully treats hypertension and capillary toxicosis. That is why in homeopathy much attention is paid to various […]
Read moreMaral Root – Sexual Potency and Libido Enhancing Herb
Maral Root – Sexual Potency and Libido Enhancing Adaptogenic Herb Maral Root (Leuzea carthamoides , also called Rhaponticum carthamoides) The health benefits of maral root are widely known. It is now also being used to treat medical problems including alcohol dependency, depression and impotency, as well as promoting physical strength and mental sharpness, Leuzea grows on the mountain slopes in a limited area of southern Siberia (Altai, Sayani). It does not exist as a wild growing plant in other region of the world. Because of the limited supply of Leusea in nature and because the plant grows slowly, the harvest of […]
Read morePhytoestrogens, Genistein – Natural Estrogen Replacement
Phytoestrogens, Genistein – Natural Estrogen Replacement Phytoestrogens, referred as natural or herbal hormones, are naturally occurring substances extracted from plants. The word “phytoestrogen” is derived from “phyto”, meaning plant, and “estrogen” as of their ability to affect estrogenic action in the human body. Phytoestrogens are categorized into 4 main groups which are then more subdivided. The four groups of phytoestrogens are soy isoflavones, lignans, coumestans and resorcylic acid lactones. The most structurally similar to estrogen, are the soy isoflavones, which are now being known as a healthy supplement for menopausal and pre-menopausal women for their natural estrogen replacement abilities. The main […]
Read moreMedicinal Plants of Peruvian Amazon Rainforest for Common Health Problems List
More than 80,000 plant species grow in the Amazonian Rainforest. Amazon Rainforest is not just known as “The Lungs of The Planet,” but also has the title of “The World’s Largest Medicine Cabinet.”
In our Western traditional medicine, around 25% of all drugs constituents are obtained from the rainforest plants.
Below is a list of the many common health conditions and medicinal plants of the Amazon Rainforest that can help to treat those issues.