3 Months Emotional Healing and Coaching Program

We all are different. No 2 people are the same, noone feels your emotions, like you do. But all of us learn the same tricks from the first years of our lives: to suppress our emotions.
Most of our life we were taught to supress our emotions, not to show such negative emotions as anger, sadness and many others. But even when we do not express them, we still fill and experience them.
All those years, when we where suppressing emotions, we were creating energy blocks in different parts of our body which creats many different illnesses.

Our 3 month emotional healing program program is designed to help one to heal the emotional traumas, and to move on to the state of happiness and life enjoinment.

3  Months Emotional Healing and Coaching Program In person & Online Combined


Our 3 month emotional healing program program is designed to help one’s emotional traumas, and to move on to the state of happiness and life enjoyment.

Emotions are a very important part of our life, which are very often taken for granted. Working with our emotions and healing was never taught in our society, until recently. We learned to suppress our emotions, so we will look “normal”, meaning like everybody else.

But there is no “everybody”. We are all  different, we react differently to life circumstances, to people and situations in one’s life.

In this stressful and busy life, we need to learn how to express our emotions the loving way. But it is impossible to do without first understanding them and healing them.

Healing is a long process, but an interesting process with its own ups and downs.


The first step in the healing process is realization of the facts:

I do not like how I live now, 

I can do better,

I can be happier, 

I can be healthier, 

I can be more loving, 



Healing emotions happens layer by layer, like peeling an onion, starting from the most recent one and going deeper and deeper.

We have been suppressing emotions for a long time in this life and many lives before this one. That’s why it takes time to heal them.


Read More information about the importance of emotional healing for a happy life.


This program, as all spiritual and holistic healing programs,  will require your part of work, such as doing your homework and techniques recommended.

Depending on the state of emotional disbalance, the client could be referred to other healing techniques, provided by other healers and practitioners.

It is optional, but recommended in order to achieve the best results from this Emotional Healing Program, to use all the recommendations.


Our 3 Month Emotional Healing Program includes the following:


Month 1:

Weekly 1 hour coaching sessions – 2 virtual and 2 in person per month;

1 Aromatherapy Consultation and Recommendations of use of essential oils for life improvement-could be done online or in person:

  • Different healing techniques will be used and taught during the sessions
  • Psychosomatic reasons for different disorders will be discussed and emotional healing techniques will be explained, step by step
  • Emotional, holistic living and relationship coaching

Aromatherapy Raindrop Technique – 2 Sessions;

Access Consciousness Bars Session – 1 Session

Chakra diagnostic before and after the sessions 


Month 2:

Weekly 1 hour integrational coaching sessions  2 virtual and 2 in person per month:

  • Different  Meditation techniques (anger Healing Meditations, Forgiveness Meditations taught and practiced)
  • 1 Aromatherapy consultation to re-adjust the oils recommendations if needed (Regular price- $175)
  • Emotional, holistic living and relationship coaching


Access Consciousness Bars Session – 1 Session;

2 Shamanic Healing Session; 

1 Past Life Regression Session;

Crystal Therapy Session for Emotional Balance;


Month 3:

Bi-Weekly 1 hour Emotional Coaching sessions with more healing techniques, depending on the progress and needs of client: with Vipassana Meditation taught and practiced;

Access Consciousness Bars Session – 1 Session;

1 Past Life Regression Session;

Karmic and ancestry roots of problems Discovery Session and Recommendations. Ancestral Connection Healing Session or Past Life Regressions with Ancestral Healing

* Some sessions could be combined in one day for convenience of the client and practitioner. All schedules will be done according to the availability of a client and practitioner.

Shamanic Healing Session with Soul Retrieval;


Next 3 month after end of program – Month 3-6:

1 online Monthly coaching session

1 online monthly group meditation

This program can be changed or adjusted depending on the individual needs of the client and the practitioner’s feeling of the healing process.

Follow the link to read about each practice included in the package.


Contact us now at (224) 688-0155 to start your healing process.


By signing up for the 3 month program instead of doing it week by week, you will achieve much greater results.

Unfortunately, people in our society are not taught to take care of themselves and depend on doctors and professionals to take care of problems when they arrive.

People do not put enough effort to start and go through with the healing process, having a busy life and many other issues on their plate. Many of us will find hundreds of excuses, only not to do anything for ourselves and this concerns women especially. A woman will do everything needed for the loved ones, but will not find time for herself. There are many reasons for that, which will be explained during the sessions.

This kind of living makes people stressed, emotionally unhappy, ruins relationships and brings many other problems in life.

For this reason, the 3 month program will discipline the participant and will help one to go through with the process of emotional healing.

By signing up for the 3 month program you receive around 45% discount from the original prices of each individual session.

3 Month Emotional Healing Program Price: $1,850.00 (instead of $3,805.00 for individual sessions) 

Start your Healing NOW!

 If at any time during the Month 1, you decide to cancel, we will refund the remainder of your payment, less the price for each session you had done (at the regular rate).

There are no refunds after 1 month is complete.

2 Payments could be arranged- ½ paid before the 1st session and ½ in 30 days.

If you had any of the listed sessions before and decide to sign up for the program within 10 days after your session, we will apply your payment toward the program.

Contact us with any questions, or to set up your personal Emotional Healing Program

Read more, why you need to heal your emotions:

Emotional Healing, Emotional Detox Will Change Your Life, Reduce Stress & More