This book is written by me, a first-generation immigrant, without the use of a ghostwriter in 2016. After practicing techniques described in this book with many of my clients and seeing beautiful positive changes in their lives, I've decided to publish it in 2021.
I am asking you to be patient with the grammatical or stylistic mistakes you may find here.
Reading this book without judgment for the correctness of language use may be a great lesson and one of the steps to the road of happiness – the road to total acceptance of life in all its beauty.
Thank you,
Nina Bastet
About The Quest for Joy in Life Through Inner Transformation.
The book is designed, as an easy to follow, step by step guide to find your joy in life. It could become your first steps to spirituality and Enlightenment.
There are so many roads in life. All of them ALWAYS take us where we are supposed to be. Some of them will take you a long way, some will take you in circles and some will take you straight to your destination.
But our final destination is set and whether we know it or not.
Our soul knows exactly where we’re heading, but we have the freedom to choose the road to get there. The number of roads available to us are infinite. Just pick one and follow it, and if you do not like the current one, take a different path and it will take you to another road.
It is your choice and it is the main principle of life on this beautiful planet Earth – FREE WILL.
You just have to make step by step and keep moving ahead to follow your destiny!
Depending on your level of awareness, you will choose one road or another and it will take you to your goal with more or less life adventures.
This book will show you some techniques and practices that may help you find the faster and easier road toward your life goal and your happiness in life, when you choose to follow them.
Below are the first 6 pages of the book, so you can see, if you are interested in reading the book.
When you make your choice, I will be very glad when you decide to purchase the book at the cost of $9.99
Your purchase will help me a lot on many levels and will help you with your life adventures.
Thank you for your support!