There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure. To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]
Read moreSpiritual and Wellness Articles: Tantric Secrets to Lasting Intimacy and Happiness
Tantric Secrets to Lasting Intimacy and Happiness
Tantra is a spiritual practice that creates calmness, awareness and makes change possible. It encourages spiritual development by awakening energies within you that would otherwise stay dormant. Tantric tradition combine yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, workshops in addition to the sexual aspect of Tantra. The Tantra meditation, breathing exercises as well as the yoga exercises offers a great stress relieve, which can do miracles to your body and soul. By becoming more aware of your body’s well-being — spiritually, emotionally, and physically — you will find that you start felling better about yourself and taking better care of yourself. Sacred sex […]
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