Each of us is capable of much, we just forgot about it after birth. By learning to “open your past lives”, “see and read the aura”, and do many other amazing things, you are contributing to the manifestation of the gift that is inside you – MANIFESTATION OF OUR DIVINE POWER. We are born to develop our soul, to ascend to higher levels of development and to become the best version of ourselves. To ignore these gifts given to us by life itself, means to turn away from Love, the Beauty and the Happiness, for the sake of which man […]
Read moreSpiritual and Wellness Articles: Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Session to Improve Your Life
During your past life regression session, you will be able to find out where the blockages have come from, you might find the answer to your questions in one of your past lives.
This will help you to heal the situation and move on into the happier life.
Read why By Healing Past, we Can Change Present and Future to learn more.
Book Your Appointment Now
Read more7 Reasons to Know Your Past Lives and to Schedule your Past Life Regression Session
By understanding which events in one of your previous lives created this chain of events in this life, and by healing the situation, will help you to stop the vicious circle happening in your life much faster and more effectively.
- When you are trying to find the reason for some repeating events and cannot understand why these events are happening, what are the reasons you are connected with one specific person, or why you are attracting similar people or situations into your life and other questions in this direction, regression may help you to understand it.
Why By Healing Past, we Can Change Present and Future
The fact that we can change the future and present situation by healing the past is well known to the sages of the old schools as well as to the contemporary psychologists. To the regular person, it is hard to grasp how this works, and why it is possible, that is why it is important to understand the new theoretic principal of time so one can start believing and using it to their advantage. The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories. Everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW, […]
Read morePast Life Regression Therapy Session Costa Rica
From Past Lives to Present Abundance Regression Session in to the past life – private healing session with Nina in Costa Rica or over Skype If you are locking the flow of prosperity or love in any area of your life, or experiencing the specific patterns repeating itself in different times of your life, it may be that you have a blockage coming from one of your past lives. Maybe you took a vow of poverty, or broken relationship, or any other vows that are still stuck in your energy field. During your past life regression session, you will be able to find […]
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