Women’s health is impossible without the health of all women’s internal organs. I found a unique product that has been used in European countries for decades with great results. These herbal products are tamponized capsules with the medicinal composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleaning the female body. The results that are noted by the European medical community are unbelievable. These Tamponized Capsules are made by a reputable Chinese Company – Fohow. I tried these capsules myself and had great results. In my opinion, these pearls are needed by any self-respecting woman. That is, we are now talking about women […]
Read moreSpiritual and Wellness Articles: Women’s Health & Happiness
Nauli Practice for Wellness – Vacuum Stomach Self Massage
There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure. To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]
Read moreAphrodite Goddess Why Important for Women Happiness to Activate Her Archetype
When Aphrodite is present the whole world acquires a golden glow. She is the one who gives creativity, who represents renewal and hope. Only the Aphrodite that is a part of a woman can inspire men as well as women. Creativity, inspiration, love, passion, all these are governed by this goddess. Even though the Aphrodite’s magic and powers are available and beneficial for a woman of any age, any sexual orientation, this Aphrodite Awakening 8 Week Course is designed for women ages from 35 to 50. The small group classes will be happening in Wheeling IL (the exact address will […]
Read moreGoddess in Every Women Awakening Course for Women
Goddess Awakening Course designed for women who are ready to become happy in their relationship with themselves, with their partners and all the people around.
Read moreUrinary Incontinence (UI) and Holistic Treatments for Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence (UI) is so rarely discussed that you may feel like you’re the only one dealing with it. The truth is there are more then 17 million people in the United States that have occurrences of bladder control issues daily. The statistics are eye-opening – it is a significant health problem in the United States and worldwide and has a substantial economic and social impact on people and our society. Millions of women (and men) experience unintentional loss of urine called urinary incontinence (the involuntary leakage of urine) (UI). The severity of urinary incontinence ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or […]
Read moreHealthy Pelvic Floor and Vagina Muscle are The Core of the Healthy Body and Happy Life
In our era of science and technology we are spending more and more time in the car or at the offices. This leads to dramatic changes in our internal organs and premature degenerating of some muscles. We are trying to compensate our lack of movement by going regularly to a fitness club or doing other kind of body building exercises. We know a lot about muscles press, chest, back, hips, arms and training them constantly. But how much do you know about our intimate and you may say, a unique group of muscles, our vagina muscles, including pelvic floor muscles. […]
Read moreIntimate Muscle Training and Sexual Happiness
There is an art, that is not taught in schools, but is the main building block for woman’s happiness, men satisfaction, family strength and the lengths of love. Sex, is one of the main ingredients in the happy and healthy relationship between couples. Good Sex brings upon strong connection between love couples and health and happiness to both participants. But what is the good sex depends on? How do we make our sex relationship to become happier and healthier, intercourse to be longer and women orgasm stronger? How can partners help each other to achieve the highest satisfaction in sex […]
Read morePhytoestrogens, Genistein – Natural Estrogen Replacement
Phytoestrogens, Genistein – Natural Estrogen Replacement Phytoestrogens, referred as natural or herbal hormones, are naturally occurring substances extracted from plants. The word “phytoestrogen” is derived from “phyto”, meaning plant, and “estrogen” as of their ability to affect estrogenic action in the human body. Phytoestrogens are categorized into 4 main groups which are then more subdivided. The four groups of phytoestrogens are soy isoflavones, lignans, coumestans and resorcylic acid lactones. The most structurally similar to estrogen, are the soy isoflavones, which are now being known as a healthy supplement for menopausal and pre-menopausal women for their natural estrogen replacement abilities. The main […]
Read moreMenopause and Women’s Health
Physiologically, the human aging process is largely determined by the natural age-related decrease in sex hormone levels. In men, this relationship is less pronounced and occurs mainly in the loss of sexual desire and increased risk of prostate tumors. At the same time, women’s age-related decline in sex hormones (primarily estrogen) has a significant negative impact on the function of the whole body. This physiological feature associated with the fact that estrogens define and regulate not only the reproductive function of women, but also play a crucial role in the normal life of almost all organs and tissues. Currently known […]
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