Women Health by Herbal Tamponized Capsules “Princess Pearl”

Women’s health is impossible without the health of all women’s internal organs. I found a unique product that has been used in European countries for decades with great results. These herbal products are tamponized capsules with the medicinal composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleaning the female body. The results that are noted by the European medical community are unbelievable. These Tamponized Capsules are made by a reputable Chinese Company – Fohow. I tried these capsules myself and had great results. In my opinion, these pearls are needed by any self-respecting woman. That is, we are now talking about women […]

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Nauli Practice for Wellness – Vacuum Stomach Self Massage

There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure.  To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]

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Shirodhara Third Eye Therapy

Shirodhara Stress Reduction Therapy, Ayurvedic Oil Treatment, Third Eye Opening

Shirodhara is a powerful Ayurvedic treatment that calms the nervous system and resets our body’s natural ability to heal. This  Ayurvedic healing practice performed in India for over 5,000 years. The word shirodhara breaks down into two ideas: shiro – meaning head, and dhara – meaning  flow. It involves the warm and consistent flow of aromatic oils or warm water on the forehead, particularly on the “third eye” area. This is the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of human consciousness. The oils flow over the scalp and through the hair, […]

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Ayurvedic Medicine and Dosha Elements

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of natural alternative medicine that approaches and defines the human body in regard to its environment. The term Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words” ‘Ayus’ meaning long life and ‘Veda’ which means knowledge or science. Ayurveda originated from India in the Vedic period and is one of the oldest methods of medical practice. It based on some of the founding principles as described in the Vedic text. Ayurvedic text is considered to be divine, and its authentic origins have been lost in time. The main aim in any ayurvedic treatment is to recognize the […]

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MahaShivRatri a Magic Night to Ask for Help From Shiva and to be Heard by Him

In 2022  Maha Shivratri will be celebrated on the night of February 28. 2023 February 18 2024 March 8 2025 February 25 MahaShivRatri is one of the most significant Hindu festivals that celebrate the convergence of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. Maha Shivaratri is the night when Shiva is said to have performed the Tandava Nritya, or the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction. Maha Shivratri is observed to mark a remembrance of overcoming darkness and ignorance in life and the world. Unlike most festivals, it is celebrated at night.. Shivaratri is also when Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva […]

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Human Transformation and the Role of Lord Shiva

There is an unknown and mysterious energy that is all us. Scientists of the West have not been able to give it a name, yet. However, saints of yogi have called this energy Shiva. Shiva is the energy giving life to all living. We are walking, eating, breathing and existing  day-to-day because of Shiva. Shiva energy drives living beings as well as resides in non-living things. Shiva is the Eternal and Infinite Space of the Universes, the space between everything and nothing, what people call emptiness, the emptiness of which does not exist .. Emptiness, Eternal and Infinite space is […]

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Ayurveda tea drinks pitta

Diet for Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda

According to the Ayurvedic text, the Charaka Samhita Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements. Pitta dosha is based on the principles of transformation. All Pitta dosha living organisms undergo transformation to sustain their existence with a combination of fire and water. Pitta dosha controls the functioning of the metabolism, digestive system, glands and enzymes in the body. They affect the quality and quantity of energy produced by and in the body. The main qualities of an individual who has a dominating Pitta dosah includes light, hot, pungent, sharp, fluidity, acidic and oily characteristics. People with strong […]

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Ayurveda tea drinks kapha

Kapha Dosha Diet in Ayurveda for Balanced Lifestyle

The Kapha dosha is governed by heavy elements of earth and water, and govern formation and functioning of the structure of the body. Kapha dosha’s primary responsibility is to hold the cells and tissues together, and to form muscles, fat and bones. Individuals with a dominant Kapha dosha tend to be well-built with excellent stamina, clear skin and luminous eyes. Kapha dosha qualities include heavy, large, slow, soft, oily, and steady. These individuals are naturally calm and loving, with a good (slow but steady) digestive functioning, and have the ability to sleep well. As they are largely built and have […]

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Recommended Diet for Vatta Dosha Body Type in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha is made up of the two elements; air and space, and plays a vital role in the way our mind and body functions. Vata dosha is critical to elimination of body waste, sweat secretions, breathing and flow of blood. They also govern thoughts, pain, fear, creativity and other emotions. Vata dosha qualities include dry, rough, cold, light, dry, always moving, changeable and unlimited. A need for change characterizes people with predominating Vata dosha, and as long as the Vatta is in balance and harmony with itself and other doshas, the individual will be energetic, lively […]

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