Daily Practice: “I Am” Begin Your Day with Empowerment Start your day by embracing the powerful state of “I Am Who I Am.” Morning Ritual: After completing your morning routine, stand by a window, ideally facing the East. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Tune in to your body’s natural rhythms—your breath, your heartbeat, and any other sensations you can perceive. Visualize an ascending flow of energy rising along your spine from the tailbone to the top of your head. Imagine a radiant white or yellow beam of divine light entering your crown and traveling down your spine, grounding deeply […]
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Nauli Practice for Wellness – Vacuum Stomach Self Massage
There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure. To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]
Read moreWomen Circles Illinois – Happy Women = Peaceful Planet
Why to do a Labyrinth Meditation, How to Walk a Labyrinth
When you step on the path, as long as you follow the path, you will get to the center!
The center is the place of transformation, receiving blessing and connection with Spirit.
Read moreHow to Prepare and Choose an Offering for the Ceremony – Need to Know
When you are preparing your offering for the ceremony, either dry or fresh flowers, or anything else you asked to bring, you need to remember the following: You are making an offering as your gratitude for your life and everything in it you already have. This offering is the gratitude for all the future benefits you are asking for in your prayers. Treat this as a gift to a very important “person”, this is a gift to the Higher Forces, on which your whole life depends. Prepare it with good heart, with love and gratitude and choose the best thing you are […]
Read moreWhat is the Shamanic Journey Like? The Shaman’s Cosmology
The Shamanic journey is a journey within oneself for the purpose of consultation and therapy. This is an insightful way to conduct an internal conversation and to determine vital information. Our soul (inner being) is in constant contact with us on all levels of our consciousness. The Shamanic Journey (same as yoga or meditations and many other spiritual systems) knows that once you travel within yourself, you will find the answers to all or at least many of your questions. During the journey, a person goes beyond their own awareness, beyond their own limitations. Every person’s experience is unique, even […]
Read moreMeaningful Day of The Year and Why Are They Important, Ceremonies to Connect to Life
You may ask reasonable questions for a human of our modern time. Why do we need to do something different on the days of autumn and spring Equinoxes, the days of the winter and summer Solstice, New Moon and Full Moon times? These questions would never be raised by our ancestors, who lived in a very close connection to Nature. And not because they were primitive as we were told, but just because they knew how important it is to be in connection to nature, to the element, to Sun and Moon and everything else that in our modern society […]
Read moreOnline Past Life Regression Session & in Costa Rica Offline
By understanding which events in one of your previous lives created this chain of events in this life, and by healing the situation, will help you to stop the vicious circle happening in your life much faster and more effectively.
- When you are trying to find the reason for some repeating events and cannot understand why these events are happening, what are the reasons you are connected with one specific person, or why you are attracting similar people or situations into your life and other questions in this direction, regression may help you to understand it.
Schedule Your Past Life Regression Sessions ONLINE or OFFLINE in Costa Rica
Read moreSHAMANISM and THE PROMISE OF A SHAMAN, Change Your Paradigm
Many different fears are holding people from trying something new.
In order to live happily, in a happy world, raise happy children so the future will be brighter, we need to heal our wounds, we need to heal our traumas that we received during our evolution as humans.
To start the healing process, one can at least start learning about different cultures and what they have to offer to us.
One needs to stop holding on to the old paradigm and old beliefs that brought him to the current situation.
When you change your beliefs, your life will start changing.
I am offering you today to read this poem, so you can understand how Shamanism and Shamanic Healing can help a person.
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