shamanic healing with sound healing illinois

Shamanic Healing Session – Private Healing Session

Shamanic spiritual energy Healing sessions can help with the following issues:

  • Depression
  • Emotional or health issues related to your ancestry
  • Past emotional traumas that continue to trouble you
  • Apathy, numbness, lack of vitality or fatigue
  • An unhealthy attachment to any individual
  • Chronic illness or weak immune system
  • Feelings of emptiness
  • Feelings of watching your life from the outside
  • Inexplicable mood swings or personality shifts
  • A tendency toward addictions and destructive behaviors
  • Repetitive negative behavior patterns
  • Memory gaps
  • Other post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms
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shamanic fire ceremony offering illinois

How to Prepare and Choose an Offering for the Ceremony – Need to Know

When you are preparing your offering for the ceremony, either dry or fresh flowers, or anything else you asked to bring, you need to remember the following: You are making an offering as your gratitude for your life and everything in it you already have. This offering is the gratitude for all the future benefits you are asking for in your prayers. Treat this as a gift to a very important “person”, this is a gift to the Higher Forces, on which your whole life depends. Prepare it with good heart, with love and gratitude and choose the best thing you are […]

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What is the Shamanic Journey Like? The Shaman’s Cosmology

The Shamanic journey is a journey within oneself for the purpose of consultation and therapy. This is an insightful way to conduct an internal conversation and to determine vital information.  Our soul (inner being) is in constant contact with us on all levels of our consciousness.  The Shamanic Journey (same as yoga or meditations and many other spiritual systems) knows that once you travel within yourself, you will find the answers to all or at least many of your questions. During the journey, a person goes beyond their own awareness, beyond their own limitations.  Every person’s experience is unique, even […]

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shamanic healing illinois

What is Shamanic Healing, Journey and How can it Help in Life

Shamanism is not a belief system or a religion, but rather a way of looking at our reality on a much deeper level, the way of communication with the invisible world around us to bring healing to the community as well as to each individual who is asking for healing. 

With each Shamanic session you are able to reintegrate more and more aspects of yourself (of your soul) that have previously been lost, in order to become whole again.
This is what is described in shamanism as soul loss and has many different names in modern psychology.

Book Your Personal Healing Session Now


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Shamanic Sweat Lodge Ceremony Benefits

Shamanic Sweat Ceremonies are used for purification and healing by many indignious people all over the world, not just in the Americas. Sweat lodge ceremonies are common to many Native American tribes. These ceremonies include rites of preparation, prayer, and purification. These ceremonies are done to raise the healing energies on our planet Earth as well as for healing and purification of participants of the Lodge. The Sweat Lodge or Temascal – in Mexico is a ceremonial way of prayer to connect with higher realms, to purify the body and mind, and to uplift the spirit.  The Sweatlodge ceremonies are […]

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7 Reasons to Know Your Past Lives and to Schedule your Past Life Regression Session

By understanding which events in one of your previous lives created this chain of events in this life, and by healing the situation, will help you to stop the vicious circle happening in your life much faster and more effectively.

  1. When you are trying to find the reason for some repeating events and cannot understand why these events are happening, what are the reasons you are connected with one specific person, or why you are attracting similar people or situations into your life and other questions in this direction, regression may help you to understand it.
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Many different fears are holding people from trying something new.

In order to live happily, in a happy world, raise happy children so the future will be brighter, we need to heal our wounds, we need to heal our traumas that we received during our evolution as humans.

To start the healing process, one can at least start learning about different cultures and what they have to offer to us.

One needs to stop holding on to the old paradigm and old beliefs that brought him to the current situation.

When you change your beliefs, your life will start changing.

I am offering you today to read this poem, so you can understand how Shamanism and Shamanic Healing can help a person.

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Magic of Epiphany Water on January 19 and its Special Healing Properties from a Scientific Point of View

It has been proven that all freshwater on Earth begins to change its properties on January 18 from 17:30 to 12:30. the next day, January 19th. The properties of all water on earth become “different”, namely, its electrical conductivity, pH and information saturation change. It is during this period of time that it is recommended to carry out water purification procedures with such water, as well as stock it for drinking and treatment. After that, the water in natural reservoirs quickly returns to its normal state. Healers and followers of various mystical practices have known this since ancient times, Astrologers […]

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shamanic healing events illinois

Is Shamanism a Religion? What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is not a religion, it is a way of living in connection with Nature. It is a system of beliefs, that includes everything, that believes, that everything has a spirit. You may not see or hear some living thighs because of the limitations in our perception as well as limitation of the range our eyes can see and our hearing can hear. But our soul can feel the presence of all spirits around us. By changing perception, developing your intuition everyone is able to accept the shamanic principles of life. When you start to understand the living nature of […]

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