
Is Ayahuasca the Right Path for Me? Am I Truly Ready?

As wise yogis say: before you stand on your head, make sure you’ve prepared your mind! Yoga, meditation, Kundalini awakening, and psychedelic plant medicine like Ayahuasca — all these powerful tools can lead to enlightenment, but only when approached with care and respect. Just as they can guide you to profound insights, they can also cause harm if used without proper preparation and awareness. Far too often, people rush into these practices without clearing the subconscious mind of blocks, fears, and unresolved traumas. This is where the danger lies. If you’re not prepared, these transformative experiences can lead to confusion, […]

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Integration Coaching – Plant & Indigenous Medicines Ceremonies Integration Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina Bastet

When you are going through the transformation process and using the help of Plant and indigenous Medicines or other Psychedelic substances you need to be ready to understand the information you will be receiving during your journey from the plant teachers and to correctly implement it into your daily life.
You may hear many scary stories around Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro and other ceremonies using Psychoactive substances.

Book Your Appointment Now

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stress reducton retreats usa

Retreat for Stress Reduction with Meditation in Indiana USA – Emotional Detox

When you practice Vipassana meditation you are bringing high vibration energy into all parts of your body.  The health will improve and illnesses will be prevented by you removing energetic blocks, being in your body for years. These blocks where created by negative emotions and reactions to different life situations and made your health much worth then it could be. Bringing your conscious energy into different parts of your body, clears out the low vibrations energies from every part, every organ, and every dark corner of your physical structure.

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fire ceremony northbrook illinois


In our daily life, we carry a lot of  stress, old emotions, someone else’s energies and other unhealthy energies, which are accumulating in our energy field and in our bodies. Those things make people ill, depressed, unable to move from the stagnation, unable to manifest their intentions. THIS NEEDS TO BE RELEASED AND LET GO REGULARLY. The ones who do regular detox are doing a great job for themselves, but it is not enough. This only cleanses your body on the physical level. The energies that are not released, make us get back to the old habits, old patterns. You […]

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emotional healing

Emotional Healing, Emotional Detox Will Change Your Life, Reduce Stress & More

What is Emotional Healing and how does it affect one?  Why do we need Emotional Detox in addition to the body detox? Why do one need to heal buried emotions, how does it help to reduce stress and make life better? These and other questions I will try to answer and explain in this article.  We have a lot of believes imposed by our close surroundings and our society, that we “bought” as ours. Many of them we are using regularly as proverbs and sayings, without even paying attention of their true meaning.  One of the saying I am sure […]

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anger management stress reduction

Stress and Emotions and Our Well Being, Emotional Healing

The emotion is the outward expression or reaction to the feeling. Emotion is the result of a thought and powerful feeling coming together. All elements of the earth have different energies. The feelings and thoughts are energy. Your feelings and your thoughts are matter. According to the physicists, matter cannot be destroyed. Therefore thoughts and Feelings as matter cannot be destroyed—only altered, it can be changed. If the feeling or the thought is negative energy, it can be changed to positive energy. What makes thoughts and feelings negative? The more positive the energy of any given matter, the higher the […]

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emotional healing

Emotional Releases Techniques Healing Depression, Anxiety and Other Issues

Wellness and happiness go together. No joy and happiness could be achieved, when one is unhealthy. Health needs to be achieved and one of the ways to do it is to clear the emotional baggage of our emotions. John D. Mayer is an American psychologist at the University of New Hampshire says, “Emotions operate on many levels.  They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect.  Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action – they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person affects many aspects of the emotions.” During […]

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emotional healing

Emotional Release with Essential Oils

From a holistic viewpoint, when you are manifesting a physical disease, it is useful to look at your emotional and mental wellness, as well as physical symptoms experiencing in the body. Nearly every sickness that can occur in the body is predisposed by our thoughts, emotions and suppressed feelings. Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions are in a continuous dance with each other. Your thoughts and beliefs lead to your emotions, and your feelings and emotions influence your thoughts. Essential Oils are exceptional at helping our body remove toxins; chemical toxins as well as emotional toxins.  When emotional toxins are eliminated […]

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Ayahuasca Retreat How to Know When to Go, How to Choose a Shaman

How to Know When to Go for Ayahuasca Retreat? The Ayahuasca process. When you will decide to go for Ayahuasca retreat, it is because the spirit of Great Mother called you, it is because your time came for healing.  Trust your feeling and know, if the time is not right for you, you will not go. Do not push anything, just set your intention to go and see what will be happening. Be sensitive to feeling and emotions, notice events happening and you will understand if you really need to do it. As said, when you hear something 3 times, […]

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Esoteric Acupuncture a Way to Spiritual Awakening, Wellness and Centering The Heart

Esoteric Acupuncture is a Powerful New Age Healing Technique for Health and Spiritual Growth. It is one of the most powerful forms of new age healing developed by Dr. Mikio Sankey that supports spiritual and energetic health.  Esoteric acupuncture is a blend of traditional acupuncture, sacred geometry, numerology and the chakra energy system with other ancient and esoteric healing systems.  Based on the spiritual aspects of ancient Chinese medicine, it is a healing modality that assists one to reach their own higher realms of evolution. It’s aim is to bring you not only into a state of ultimate harmony and […]

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