Each of us is capable of much, we just forgot about it after birth.
By learning to “open your past lives”, “see and read the aura”, and do many other amazing things,
you are contributing to the manifestation of the gift that is inside you –
We are born to develop our soul,
to ascend to higher levels of development and to become the best version of ourselves.
To ignore these gifts given to us by life itself, means to turn away from Love, the Beauty and the Happiness, for the sake of which man was created.
Our mind has more wonderful abilities than most people realize. For the last 80-100 years, humanity is just beginning its evolutionary ascent, which will allow us to reveal these possibilities.
Only now, we are opening opportunities that have been closed to mankind for several thousand years.
And since this has been revealed to us, then our task is to expand these abilities of ours.
Acceptance and understanding of our enormous potentialities will open the way to the New World for us.
Learning about your past lives through a Regression session is one of these great opportunities.
Today, past life regression sessions, along with Shamanic practices, are the most effective methods for improving one’s life, improving relations with one’s environment, a method of emotional and physical healing.
A past life regression session can help:
Find out the causes of problems in a relationship with a particular person;
Find out the cause of specific behavior patterns;
Find out the cause of recurring events in your life;
find out the reason for meeting a particular person;
Find out situations in your past life with the person you are interested in;
Find out information about some or many of your past lives;
Get answers to your spiritual questions, questions about love or money, and more;
You can find out the reason for a particular life situation that you may want to change, but for some reason you cannot do it.
A lot of the questions you have about your life and your circumstances in this life can be answered by going into a trance and having a past life regression session.
The answers you get may surprise you, or they may simply confirm what you already knew, but which you doubt.
Past life regressions are a powerful and quick way to process karma and close karmic knots and much more healing.
Healing the past helps to change the fate and the fate of the loved ones.
Past Life Regression is one of the great paths to emotional healing.
7 Reasons to Know Your Past Life
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Emotional and Spiritual Healing is a journey. In order to feel the results, you need to experience several sessions. Spiritual healing is not a magic pill, it is not just removing the symptoms, it is working on a deep subconscious and spiritual level and healing the roots of current issues in your life.
The healing works the best, when sessions are done in the combination of 4+.
To make it work better for you. we designed a special offer:
When you have 3 sessions done within 30 days (the best way to do it), we will give you the 4th session at no charge (which need to be used within next month after the 1st three sessions).
You can combine such sessions as Past Life regression, Shamanic Healing, BARS and Aromatherapy.