Category: Universal Truth

New Energies of Transformation – Planetary New Year July 26
Recently many people report feeling weak, loss of energy and other illnesses. When we will understand what is happening with our planet and other Stars around the Earth, it may help people not to get scared by every little pain or uncomfortable feeling. Whether we want to accept it or not, we all live according to the Cosmic rhythms which affect the whole Earth and all living things on the planet. Our evolution, the evolution of human consciousness, is to discover the Divine nature that is hidden within each of us. We humans contain the entire Divine potential, just as […]
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How to Prepare and Choose an Offering for the Ceremony – Need to Know
When you are preparing your offering for the ceremony, either dry or fresh flowers, or anything else you asked to bring, you need to remember the following: You are making an offering as your gratitude for your life and everything in it you already have. This offering is the gratitude for all the future benefits you are asking for in your prayers. Treat this as a gift to a very important “person”, this is a gift to the Higher Forces, on which your whole life depends. Prepare it with good heart, with love and gratitude and choose the best thing you are […]
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Many different fears are holding people from trying something new.
In order to live happily, in a happy world, raise happy children so the future will be brighter, we need to heal our wounds, we need to heal our traumas that we received during our evolution as humans.
To start the healing process, one can at least start learning about different cultures and what they have to offer to us.
One needs to stop holding on to the old paradigm and old beliefs that brought him to the current situation.
When you change your beliefs, your life will start changing.
I am offering you today to read this poem, so you can understand how Shamanism and Shamanic Healing can help a person.
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Money and the Universal Law of Energy Exchange
One of the main Universal laws is the law of energy exchange. This is the law on which karma is built. This is what relationships are built on. This is the law that controls our whole life. The law is as follows: “Give to receive” Our body, our mind, our thoughts are in a constant and dynamic exchange of energy with the Universe. By our thoughts and actions, we can either accelerate and maintain this exchange of energy, or, conversely, disrupt it. Money is a form of energy. If you stop the flow, you destroy your life and the life […]
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