Despacho Ceremony Wheeling Illinois

Personal Despacho Ceremony for Love, Health, Wealth Attraction

Personal Despacho Ceremony for Love, Health and Wealth Attraction or your other personal need – to benefit you and the World. This is a 1.5-2-hour private ceremony in Wheeling. Book your time now in Wheeling, IL by calling 1224-688-0155 / Call now to Schedule or to get more information. Request your ceremony now or contact to get more information Read what is Despacho and why would you do it

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shamanic healing with sound healing illinois

Shamanic Healing Session – Private Healing Session – Costa Rica

Shamanic spiritual energy Healing sessions can help with the following issues:

  • Depression
  • Emotional or health issues related to your ancestry
  • Past emotional traumas that continue to trouble you
  • Apathy, numbness, lack of vitality or fatigue
  • An unhealthy attachment to any individual
  • Chronic illness or weak immune system
  • Feelings of emptiness
  • Feelings of watching your life from the outside
  • Inexplicable mood swings or personality shifts
  • A tendency toward addictions and destructive behaviors
  • Repetitive negative behavior patterns
  • Memory gaps
  • Other post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms
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Aromatherapy Consultation For Life Improvement and Healing

Aromatherapy Consultation for Life Improvement and Healing takes around 2 hours and could be done online of in person in Wheeling IL. Aromatherapy and use of Essential Oils can help you in many aspects of your life. Use of essential oils and aromatherapy and how it use can help with the following issues: Chronic fatigue; Chronic colds or flu; Depression,  anxiety,  mood swings; Immune system issues; Pain; And more. During the consultation I will select and recommend the essential oils needed to help with your issues. A special regimen for home use of essential oils will be designed according to […]

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Chakra Balancing With Gemstones & Essential Oils Healing Session

Chakras are the main energy centers in the body. There are 7 main chakras, which we mostly talk about. Each chakra is correlated to specific body parts and organs. The balance of chakras are important, since imbalances in them cause physical dysfunctions as well as connected to our mental and emotional well being. The connection of all body systems is well known in any Holistic Healing system. Such as it is important to understand, that any physical issue we have creates imbalance in our emotional behavior, as well as when we release the emotional imbalances, it can undo any tightness, […]

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emotional happiness

Free Online Relationship Coaching, Health and Wellness Life Coaching Session

FREE First 30 min relationship or wellness coaching session for new clients. We specialize in the following life coaching areas: Relationship Coaching Post-Divorce or Post-Separation Healing Coaching During Divorce, Separation Healing Coaching Spiritual Coaching Holistic Health Coaching Are you feeling stuck? Would you like to improve your relationship with your partner or friends? Do you have any aspects of your life, where you want to change, but not able to do it? Are you ready to be the confident Leader of your Life? If Yes is your answer,  life coaching may help you to live happier! Just as we must […]

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Post Separation, Divorce Healing Coaching Program

Sometimes, when a couple crosses the Rubicon in their relationship and when there is no way back to a good life together, Divorce is becoming the next step. Divorce or a separation is a very stressful life and especially, when you still care about the other person. How to deal with emotions and feelings that are making you weep during the divorce process? How to deal with all this guilt, shame and blame that are making you go to emotional breakdowns? Divorce Coach can help. What to do with the anger or fears that are very strong and you may […]

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Integration Coaching – Plant & Indigenous Medicines Ceremonies Integration Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina Bastet

When you are going through the transformation process and using the help of Plant and indigenous Medicines or other Psychedelic substances you need to be ready to understand the information you will be receiving during your journey from the plant teachers and to correctly implement it into your daily life.
You may hear many scary stories around Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro and other ceremonies using Psychoactive substances.

Book Your Appointment Now

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gemstones for sale illinois

Gemstone Healing with Chakra Balancing Session

During the Gemstone healing session we will be connecting to the healing energy and the intelligence of the gemstones, crystals.

While relaxing and meditation the chakra balancing with healing energies like Reiki will be applied to your energy field by Nina Bastet

During the meditation you will be using the healing energy of Angels to help you in the process.

We will draw the Oracle Cards for guidance.

Book Your Appointment Now

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Shirodhara Third Eye Therapy

Shirodhara Stress Reduction Therapy, Ayurvedic Oil Treatment, Third Eye Opening

Shirodhara is a powerful Ayurvedic treatment that calms the nervous system and resets our body’s natural ability to heal. This  Ayurvedic healing practice performed in India for over 5,000 years. The word shirodhara breaks down into two ideas: shiro – meaning head, and dhara – meaning  flow. It involves the warm and consistent flow of aromatic oils or warm water on the forehead, particularly on the “third eye” area. This is the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of human consciousness. The oils flow over the scalp and through the hair, […]

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