There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure. To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]
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Magic of Epiphany Water on January 19 and its Special Healing Properties from a Scientific Point of View
It has been proven that all freshwater on Earth begins to change its properties on January 18 from 17:30 to 12:30. the next day, January 19th. The properties of all water on earth become “different”, namely, its electrical conductivity, pH and information saturation change. It is during this period of time that it is recommended to carry out water purification procedures with such water, as well as stock it for drinking and treatment. After that, the water in natural reservoirs quickly returns to its normal state. Healers and followers of various mystical practices have known this since ancient times, Astrologers […]
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Garlic Blood Cleanser Body Detoxification Program
Garlic has many healing properties including an anti-tumor properties. As early as in 1936 was discovered, when feeding to the lab animals fresh garlic would stop the cancer from growing. The Old Tibetan healing system has a unique Blood Cleansing recipe, that helps to improve the immune system, detoxification of the body, reducing the acidity of the body and preventing the development of tumors. Doing blood cleanse will prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, irregular heart beats, sclerosis and paralysis. It may heal occurrence of noise in the head, regulates blood pressure, restores the eye sights. This holistic healing remedies […]
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3 Main Physical Causes of Human Illnesses
There are several thousands of different human diseases, known to modern medicine. More than a hundred of them are widespread and somehow affect each person. Is it possible to prevent them? Are their common and simple prevention regimens? All of these issues sooner or later begin to worry about each person. Today, those who are seriously concerned about their health, there are two ways of improvement. The first way – to seek the assistance of modern pharmacological medicine. For most of us this is the usual way. Unfortunately, pharmaceuticals affect only the most ultimate causes of the disease and can […]
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Ayahuasca Diet for Your Ayahuasca Retreat
Considering traveling for ayahuasca healing, means you are looking for ways to improve your life, to remove blocks you may know or not know about, you are looking to make some kind of changes in your life, so it will become more fulfilling, healthy and happy. It is a serious step toward the life improvement and you should prepare yourself seriously for it. Ayahuasca is the sacred plant that will work on your body, mind and soul and one of the thing, it will do, is detoxify your body and mind, by purging. Indigenous people even call this plant La […]
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Propolis, Propolis Extract, Propolis Benefits
Propolis Elixir – Elixir Of Immortality. Propolis – is one of the most mysterious of natural products . Neither beekeepers nor traditional healers, or even modern scientists still do not know much about the origin of propolis. Some believe that it is a resinous tree sap collected and fermented by bees to protect their hives. Others think that it is a product of the finest extraction of resinous substances produced directly from the pollen. Others believe that propolis independently synthesized in the body of bees. There is no consensus regarding the chemical composition and propolis. Despite the common name, the […]
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8 Aphrodisiac Food to Increase Libido for Love Making
Food is not just eaten for our existence, but for nourishing our minds and enhancing desires. Its common knowledge we always tend to gravitate to certain foods or food types as and when we experience different emotions. The smell, feel and texture of what we consume have a direct bearing on our six senses. Some foods elevate our moods, while some calm us and some add onto our misery. Foods that have a positive and sexual enhancing effect on us are called as aphrodisiac foods. So, if you are keen to set the mood right, here is what should be […]
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What are Micronutrients and What They Do For The Body?
What Micronutrients do in the Body? It is well recognized that the digestibility and biological activity of vitamins increases if they enter the body in the form of complex functional complexes with other micronutrients, including bioflavonoids and trace elements. All most effective prescriptions of Chinese and Tibetan medicine are complex and multi-component composition of their constituent active ingredients and sometimes contain dozens of different components of plant, animal and mineral origin. As an example: For good absorption and assimilation of calcium in the body is necessary to its interaction (and in fairly accurate proportions ) with magnesium , phosphorus, manganese, vitamin K, B6, […]
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Maral Root – Sexual Potency and Libido Enhancing Herb
Maral Root – Sexual Potency and Libido Enhancing Adaptogenic Herb Maral Root (Leuzea carthamoides , also called Rhaponticum carthamoides) The health benefits of maral root are widely known. It is now also being used to treat medical problems including alcohol dependency, depression and impotency, as well as promoting physical strength and mental sharpness, Leuzea grows on the mountain slopes in a limited area of southern Siberia (Altai, Sayani). It does not exist as a wild growing plant in other region of the world. Because of the limited supply of Leusea in nature and because the plant grows slowly, the harvest of […]
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Role of Minerals in the Breast Cancer Prevention: Zinc and Selenium
According to the Susan G. Komen Foundation ( one woman dies from breast cancer every 69 seconds. Breast cancer is the second primary cause of women’s death. This year alone just about 270,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. More than 45% of women suffer from a condition known as fibrocystic breast disease during their childbearing age. Women who want to evade breast cancer or its reappearance need to be aware, that real problems are imbalances in your body that could be controlled by the women herself. There are many things that the person need to do in order to […]
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