stress reducton retreats usa

Retreat for Stress Reduction with Meditation in Indiana USA – Emotional Detox

When you practice Vipassana meditation you are bringing high vibration energy into all parts of your body.  The health will improve and illnesses will be prevented by you removing energetic blocks, being in your body for years. These blocks where created by negative emotions and reactions to different life situations and made your health much worth then it could be. Bringing your conscious energy into different parts of your body, clears out the low vibrations energies from every part, every organ, and every dark corner of your physical structure.

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Ayurvedic Medicine and Dosha Elements

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of natural alternative medicine that approaches and defines the human body in regard to its environment. The term Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words” ‘Ayus’ meaning long life and ‘Veda’ which means knowledge or science. Ayurveda originated from India in the Vedic period and is one of the oldest methods of medical practice. It based on some of the founding principles as described in the Vedic text. Ayurvedic text is considered to be divine, and its authentic origins have been lost in time. The main aim in any ayurvedic treatment is to recognize the […]

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fire ceremony northbrook illinois


In our daily life, we carry a lot of  stress, old emotions, someone else’s energies and other unhealthy energies, which are accumulating in our energy field and in our bodies. Those things make people ill, depressed, unable to move from the stagnation, unable to manifest their intentions. THIS NEEDS TO BE RELEASED AND LET GO REGULARLY. The ones who do regular detox are doing a great job for themselves, but it is not enough. This only cleanses your body on the physical level. The energies that are not released, make us get back to the old habits, old patterns. You […]

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Home or Office Energy Alignment for Balanced Life & Success – Energy Cleansing Service Helps Balancing and Restore Vitality

Often our environment got clogged by low vibration stagnant energy. When one lives in a home with a lot of stagnant energy it has a negative influence on the mood, health and other conditions of the occupants. The family living in the “dirty “ energy home will have more arguments, occupants of that home will get sick more often, will try to run away from home, by coming home late or not coming at all.
The living space and the office environment needs to have regular energy cleanse in addition to the physical cleaning.

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ayahuasca costa rica

Subtle Energy and it Role in Balanced Life and Happiness

Eliminating negativity from your field takes time and work.
You do it by following the necessary steps:

  • Controlling and clearing negative and limiting belief system, which will help you to change your thought patterns;
  • Reducing the thoughts about the past or future projections and stay more and more in present;
  • Detox and heal your emotions from negative experiences;
  • Forgive yourself and others;
  • Clean and detoxify your physical body, change your lifestyle if necessary, take care of your physical body;
  • Cleanse and remove negative energy from your home;
  • Perform regular cleansing of your own energy field to help you Stay in Balance and Happiness.

 All these steps little by little need to be done. The best way is to start from your physical body and your living area. By doing it first, you will start raising your energy, which will help you to work with your thoughts and emotions.

 There are many different techniques and practices to help you achieve your goals.

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Aho Matako Yasin Prayer in English – Shamanic Prayer to All The Relations

Aho Matako Yasin is the Prayer that in many shamanic traditions used during the ceremonies.

It is the Shamanic Prayer to All The Relations in the world, the relations, that created and supporting our life and life of every being on the Planet Earth.
We love saing this prayer! Say it with us, to raise he vibrations on our Mother Earth to benefit the Univerce and Everith being in it!


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leela the game of self knowledge

Leela the Game of Self-Knowledge -Lila Chakra Board Game

The game helps you to realize desires, destroys prevailing stereotypes, enlightens the mind, expands consciousness.
The game helps to identify the obstacles to the realization of life goals, helps to realize and overcome them. You can play the game for any goal. The playing field is the fields (situations, believes, obstacles…) in one’s life.
The game that helps you to learn about yourself, about your life and will show you the easier road to your life’s goal and to your happiness.

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Weight Loss Body and Mind Detox 7 Days Retreat USA

During our daily life and especially those months in isolation during the pandemia, we accumulated many physical, mental and emotional debris.
For many people those couple of months of staying home in isolation brought a lot of disturbances.
Sometime it is difficult to detox by yourself and the guidance of the professionals will help

We offer you to join us for 7 days in the peaceful and relaxing environment to de-stress, detox and relax.

See full Description, Registaration and Pricing

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