There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure. To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]
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Ayahuasca Diet for Your Ayahuasca Retreat
Considering traveling for ayahuasca healing, means you are looking for ways to improve your life, to remove blocks you may know or not know about, you are looking to make some kind of changes in your life, so it will become more fulfilling, healthy and happy. It is a serious step toward the life improvement and you should prepare yourself seriously for it. Ayahuasca is the sacred plant that will work on your body, mind and soul and one of the thing, it will do, is detoxify your body and mind, by purging. Indigenous people even call this plant La […]
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