
Is Ayahuasca the Right Path for Me? Am I Truly Ready?

As wise yogis say: before you stand on your head, make sure you’ve prepared your mind! Yoga, meditation, Kundalini awakening, and psychedelic plant medicine like Ayahuasca — all these powerful tools can lead to enlightenment, but only when approached with care and respect. Just as they can guide you to profound insights, they can also cause harm if used without proper preparation and awareness. Far too often, people rush into these practices without clearing the subconscious mind of blocks, fears, and unresolved traumas. This is where the danger lies. If you’re not prepared, these transformative experiences can lead to confusion, […]

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Integration Coaching – Plant & Indigenous Medicines Ceremonies Integration Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina Bastet

When you are going through the transformation process and using the help of Plant and indigenous Medicines or other Psychedelic substances you need to be ready to understand the information you will be receiving during your journey from the plant teachers and to correctly implement it into your daily life.
You may hear many scary stories around Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro and other ceremonies using Psychoactive substances.

Book Your Appointment Now

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Ayahuasca Retreat How to Know When to Go, How to Choose a Shaman

How to Know When to Go for Ayahuasca Retreat? The Ayahuasca process. When you will decide to go for Ayahuasca retreat, it is because the spirit of Great Mother called you, it is because your time came for healing.  Trust your feeling and know, if the time is not right for you, you will not go. Do not push anything, just set your intention to go and see what will be happening. Be sensitive to feeling and emotions, notice events happening and you will understand if you really need to do it. As said, when you hear something 3 times, […]

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ayahuasca ceremonies

Ayahuasca Ceremony the Medicine for Body, Mind and Soul, the Way to Enlightenment

Ayahuasca is the medicine for body, mind and soul. Ayahuasca is the plant natural to Amazonian forests used for centuries by indigenous people of Amazon as the healing medicinal remedy. The shamans of South American tribes are using the Ayahuasca brews to get deeper visions, connect to Higher Spirit and to provide healing to the people. During last decades, when enlightenment of humanity became very important for the Earth survival, knowledge of this healing remedy became very important. That is the reason, why there are more and more information becoming available everywhere in the world about this herb. More and […]

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ayahuasca diet

Ayahuasca Diet for Your Ayahuasca Retreat

Considering traveling for ayahuasca healing, means you are looking for ways to improve your life, to remove blocks you may know or not know about, you are looking to make some kind of changes in your life, so it will become more fulfilling, healthy and happy. It is a serious step toward the life improvement and you should prepare yourself seriously for it. Ayahuasca is the sacred plant that will work on your body, mind and soul and one of the thing, it will do, is detoxify your body and mind, by purging. Indigenous people even call this plant La […]

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