
Is Ayahuasca the Right Path for Me? Am I Truly Ready?

As wise yogis say: before you stand on your head, make sure you’ve prepared your mind! Yoga, meditation, Kundalini awakening, and psychedelic plant medicine like Ayahuasca — all these powerful tools can lead to enlightenment, but only when approached with care and respect. Just as they can guide you to profound insights, they can also cause harm if used without proper preparation and awareness. Far too often, people rush into these practices without clearing the subconscious mind of blocks, fears, and unresolved traumas. This is where the danger lies. If you’re not prepared, these transformative experiences can lead to confusion, […]

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shamanic fire ceremony offering illinois

How to Prepare and Choose an Offering for the Ceremony – Need to Know

When you are preparing your offering for the ceremony, either dry or fresh flowers, or anything else you asked to bring, you need to remember the following: You are making an offering as your gratitude for your life and everything in it you already have. This offering is the gratitude for all the future benefits you are asking for in your prayers. Treat this as a gift to a very important “person”, this is a gift to the Higher Forces, on which your whole life depends. Prepare it with good heart, with love and gratitude and choose the best thing you are […]

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emotional healing retreats

Is It Really Possible To Get The Requested Desire and Not Even Notice It?

All our lives we ask for something, wish for something and pray. Basically, people pray for something close to them, close to physical life and ordinary life on Earth. People pray for health, more money, wealth, love, and other earthly desires. For many, it is easy to manifest what they want, while for others it is a very difficult task. There are many reasons for that but in this post, I just want to talk about something different. Is it really possible to get the requested desire and not even notice it? The question that is coming out on my […]

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