Is It Really Possible To Get The Requested Desire and Not Even Notice It?

All our lives we ask for something, wish for something and pray.

Basically, people pray for something close to them, close to physical life and ordinary life on Earth.

People pray for health, more money, wealth, love, and other earthly desires.

For many, it is easy to manifest what they want, while for others it is a very difficult task.

There are many reasons for that but in this post, I just want to talk about something different.

Is it really possible to get the requested desire and not even notice it?

The question that is coming out on my coaching sessions and while investigating the matter deeper, very often my clients are coming to the following realization:

They either got what they asked for and did not even noticed it or

They were given information on how to get what they want and totally missed this information. 

What does it mean?

First of all, when you say what you want, be sure to control how you say it, and this is something you’ve probably heard thousands of times:

Formulate your desire in a positive way and do not use negative words, that is, do not say what you do not want, but rather say what you want.

Make sure you really need it and it’s real – don’t ask for millions of dollars when you’re not educated without a job and penniless. But if you did it and found a coin on the ground, pick it up and thank the Universe. Or, if you find an unused lottery ticket, be sure to check it out instead of just throwing it away. Despite the fact that it is extremely rare, miracles do happen.

After you declare your wish, be conscious about everything around you. The universe may send you a chance or the information on how to get what you want, since maybe you need to do more steps in order to get what you want.

An example would be: If you want to get marry. First you need to find your mate. Let’s say you participated in some ceremony and declared this as your intention. 

women healing saturday events wheeling ilWithin a couple of days, you were invited to the party, and you met someone. You like the person but was scared to move toward it or did not do anything in order to establish a contact. 

And so on and so on…..

Please write in the comments another scenario describing the non-remarks of signs –

Your comment may help someone – that in itself can be a message or a sign to someone!

To be aware of your life and everything that happens in your environment, to be aware of the reasons why you do something, is the path to understanding yourself.

When you understand yourself, you will understand and separate what you really want from the depths of your heart, or what desires are rooted in your consciousness that are not yours at all.

Wishing correctly, from the bottom of your heart, listening and noticing the signs and answers of the Universe is the way to realize your desires faster and with the best results for you.

There are many practices that are being offered now to help a person manifest what they want.

Consciously choose which ritual or practice to participate in. Try not to fall into the trap of “quick fix” options that are either false promises or dangerous practices that will not benefit you or society, but rather bring more harm and chaos into your life and the world.

We offer some Shamanic Ceremonies, to help you manifest your goals and at the same time to be grateful to the world and every being of the Universe. Our ceremonies are designed to bring more balance, more consciousness to the world, to benefit everyone.

 Read Q&A article with questions from our clients and answers by Nina Bastet.

You can see our healing events, ceremonies.

We will be glad when you participate in them.