Women Health by Herbal Tamponized Capsules “Princess Pearl”

Women’s health is impossible without the health of all women’s internal organs. I found a unique product that has been used in European countries for decades with great results. These herbal products are tamponized capsules with the medicinal composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleaning the female body. The results that are noted by the European medical community are unbelievable. These Tamponized Capsules are made by a reputable Chinese Company – Fohow. I tried these capsules myself and had great results. In my opinion, these pearls are needed by any self-respecting woman. That is, we are now talking about women […]

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Nauli Practice for Wellness – Vacuum Stomach Self Massage

There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Standing water becomes impure and rotted, when the flowing water, on the other hand, always remains pure.  To stay healthy and keep our youth we also should move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily, those are the muscles that mostly get ignored. In our society, people have so much pain accumulated in the stomach area, that even during the massage session it is mostly not touched by the […]

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garlic blood cleanser

Garlic Blood Cleanser Body Detoxification Program

Garlic has many healing properties including an anti-tumor properties. As early as in 1936 was discovered, when feeding to the lab animals fresh garlic would stop the cancer from growing. The Old Tibetan healing system has a unique Blood Cleansing recipe, that helps to improve the immune system, detoxification of the body, reducing the acidity of the body and preventing the development of tumors. Doing blood cleanse will prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, irregular heart beats, sclerosis and paralysis. It may heal occurrence of noise in the head, regulates blood pressure, restores the eye sights. This holistic healing remedies […]

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colon hydrotherapy colonic

Colonic Hydrotherapy, Healthy Colon is a Way to Rejuvenation, Vitality & Weight Loss

Maintaining a healthy colon is significant for maintaining overall health. A healthy colon requires good nerve and muscle tone, proper circulation, sufficient nutrients and pure water. The colon is the sewer of your body. If it’s not cleansed, the waste throughout the body can’t get out. According to some estimates, about 70 million Americans suffer from bowel problems. These statistics cover only those people whose problems are severe enough to cause them to consult a medical doctor. People who aren’t even aware that they have a bowel problem are often in the worst condition. When the colon is healthy, a […]

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Full Body Detox and Why Do We Need It

The disease – is not just a disturbance of the functions of individual cells or organs. Any disease is primarily the accumulation in the body large amounts of harmful substances that are formed as a result of inflammation, violations of the cleansing of organs and body systems, the growth of bacteria or viruses, and so on. Once in the blood, the toxic substances can disrupt vital functions of all other systems. So without complex Full Body Detox it is impossible to achieve a truly effective correction and especially prevention of major health problems. As evidenced by medical statistics, 30-40% of […]

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