Post Separation, Divorce Healing Coaching Program

Sometimes, when a couple crosses the Rubicon in their relationship and when there is no way back to a good life together, Divorce is becoming the next step. Divorce or a separation is a very stressful life and especially, when you still care about the other person. How to deal with emotions and feelings that are making you weep during the divorce process? How to deal with all this guilt, shame and blame that are making you go to emotional breakdowns? Divorce Coach can help. What to do with the anger or fears that are very strong and you may […]

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Integration Coaching – Plant & Indigenous Medicines Ceremonies Integration Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Nina Bastet

When you are going through the transformation process and using the help of Plant and indigenous Medicines or other Psychedelic substances you need to be ready to understand the information you will be receiving during your journey from the plant teachers and to correctly implement it into your daily life.
You may hear many scary stories around Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro and other ceremonies using Psychoactive substances.

Book Your Appointment Now

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Women Health by Herbal Tamponized Capsules “Princess Pearl”

Women’s health is impossible without the health of all women’s internal organs. I found a unique product that has been used in European countries for decades with great results. These herbal products are tamponized capsules with the medicinal composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleaning the female body. The results that are noted by the European medical community are unbelievable. These Tamponized Capsules are made by a reputable Chinese Company – Fohow. I tried these capsules myself and had great results. In my opinion, these pearls are needed by any self-respecting woman. That is, we are now talking about women […]

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leela the game of self knowledge

Leela the Game of Self-Knowledge -Lila Chakra Board Game

The game helps you to realize desires, destroys prevailing stereotypes, enlightens the mind, expands consciousness.
The game helps to identify the obstacles to the realization of life goals, helps to realize and overcome them. You can play the game for any goal. The playing field is the fields (situations, believes, obstacles…) in one’s life.
The game that helps you to learn about yourself, about your life and will show you the easier road to your life’s goal and to your happiness.

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emotional healing chicago illinois

3 Months Emotional Healing and Coaching Program

We all are different. No 2 people are the same, noone feels your emotions, like you do. But all of us learn the same tricks from the first years of our lives: to suppress our emotions.
Most of our life we were taught to supress our emotions, not to show such negative emotions as anger, sadness and many others. But even when we do not express them, we still fill and experience them.
All those years, when we where suppressing emotions, we were creating energy blocks in different parts of our body which creats many different illnesses.

Our 3 month emotional healing program program is designed to help one to heal the emotional traumas, and to move on to the state of happiness and life enjoinment.

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