We offer weekly classes in events held in suburban areas of Great Chicago.
See our Local Wellness Healing Events in Wheeling
Practicing with us during healing events will add emotional balance in your daily life. During the classes you will learn techniques that you will be able to practice in your daily life.
Practicing the techniques will help you to cope with stress, help you to heal some emotional issues, help you to start or continue your road to spirituality and conscious living.
We offer local events as well as Healing Retreats in different states.
See our current Retreats offered: ALL 2021 USA Retreats
The following LOCAL group events are offered:
Forgiveness Meditation Circle with Angelic Healing
Forgiveness is the first and the most important step in the road to happiness. You will be explained why it is important and how to do the meditation.
Anger Healing Meditation Circle with Angels
Forgiveness and anger release are very important steps into the road to happiness. You will be explained why it is important and how to do the meditation.
During the meditation you will be using the healing energy of Angels to help you in the process.
Gemstone Healing Meditation Circle
During the Gemstone Meditation Circle we will be connecting to the healing energy and the intelligence of the Healing crystals.
The gemstone Kingdom was the first one created by the Creator on the Earth, in order to help people in their earthly life. Learning how to use crystal’s powers can help you in your life.
You need to bring your own crystals, or purchase a simple set at your arrival(starting at $10).
Crystal Pendulum Usage Class and Practice
Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth. Pendulums are made from a variety of materials including crystals, wood, glass, and metals. We will be working with crystal pendulums, so you can bring your own or purchase one from us (starting at $10+)
Pendulums help the healing process by using the Dowsing which seeks out unseen energies. This helps people to connect to their higher energies to help locate any blocks in energy fields.
Chakras balancing is also possible using pendulums.
It can also help in the simple process of selecting the food in the grocery stores and much more.
Join us to learn and practice the usage of your crystal pendulums.
Group Past Life Regression Session
If you are looking for more detailed, full personal past life regression session, it takes 2 hours and you can see more information on our Emotional Healing Site.
The Session of Past Life Regression can help with:
Find out the reasons for issues in relationship with specific person;
Find out the reason of specific behavior patterns;
Find out the reason of repeating events in your life;
Find out the reason of meeting specific person;
Find out the situations in your past life with someone of your interest;
Find out information about some or many of your past life;
Get answers to your spiritually related questions, love or money questions and more;
You can find out the reason for a specific life situation that you may want to change, but for some reasons you can’t do it.
And more of the questions that you have about your life and your circumstances in this life can get answered by you going into the light trans and doing your Past Life Regression Session.
The answers you will get may surprise you, or may just confirm what you already knew, but where doubt about.
Hope to see you at the session.
You can also register for an Individual Past Life Regression Session at your convenience.
Facilitator of the events – Nina-Bastet spiritual practitioner and life coach.
We hope to see you at our events.