Event Phone: 1224-688-0155
March 20, 2022
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Community Fire Ceremony is a healing ceremony for Earth, Humanity and all the participants

During the ceremony we will be performing a blessing to Mother Earth to all the elements and all the beings living on Earth.
Fire ceremony is an ancient ritual or releasing the old and invocation of better situations into one’s life.
Fire is a great way to let go of old stuff, such as old traumatic memories, difficult and negative emotions, old habits that are not serving you anymore.
Shamans say to all those things: “take it to the fire…."
This is what one part of our ritual will be.
Another part is to ask Fire and other Elements to help us in invoke and manifesting our desires, our intentions and goals.
For this, you will be coming to the Fire with your offering made of flowers or plants, and will offer this to the fire together with your prayers.
It is very important to prepare your offering to the fire with love and gratitude, to include your intention of healing and compassion for all beings, as well as you, into your intentions.
Shamanic Fire Ceremony as well as Despacho Ceremony are the healing rituals for humanity and the Earth.
When we perform the ceremonies we offer our gratitude to Mother Earth and to all the Spirits on our planet that support us during our life on the planet.

The more often we recognise, acknowledge and show our gratitude to the Spirits, the better our connection becomes, the easier our life will get.
At present time we need to understand it even more than ever!
Read more why and how often to participate in Fire Ceremony
The ceremony will be facilitated by Nina-Basted, according to the shamanic principles.
Sponsorship Options
The Event is held on the Donations and the Sponsorship bases.
The Gold Sponsorship is $50 – includes 7 Reiki charged Chakra gemstones and 15% discount to any event during next 60 days or private consultation.;
The Silver Sponsorship is $30 – includes a Reiki charged healing Gemstone and 10% discount to any event during next 60 days or private consultation.
You can also attend at no charge, you will be able to leave a donation after the cermony.
The importance of adequate compensation as the energy exchange
Before the Fire Ceremony we will have a shamanic Despacho Ceremony, which I invite you to attend.
Event Location & Details
The event will happen at the Camp Reinberg campsite in Palatine.
1801 N Quentin Rd, Palatine, IL 60074
Even though the event is complimentary, you still need to register, since there are limited numbers of participants allowed.
If you have your own rattles or other shamanic musical instruments, you can bring it with you.
We will also have a potluck before and after the ceremony, please bring healthy snacks.
Additional information and exact location will be sent to you after registration.