Event Phone: 1224-688-0155

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Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, -Full Priceshow details + $2,750.00 (USD)  
Ayahuasca Retreat Peru - DEPOSITshow details + $500.00 (USD)  

  • November 4, 2024 - November 11, 2024
    2:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 8 days

Emotional and Physical Healing with Plant Medicine

Embark on a Journey of Detox, Healing, and Personal Growth
Join us in detoxifying your body and mind, and begin a journey of profound healing and personal growth.
This retreat utilizes the power of Plant Medicine to open your consciousness, allowing you to delve deep within yourself and receive truthful information and healing for emotional and physical blocks.

Overcome the Barriers to Your True Self
Many people struggle to hear the voice of their true self due to constant mind activity and chatter. This retreat aims to quiet the mind, allowing you to move beyond the guidance of the ego and tune into the wisdom of your soul. 

By doing so, you’ll address the root causes of emotional issues, poor decisions, and physical illnesses.

Connect with Your Real Self and Achieve True Healing.
Our primary goal is to help you connect with your real self, guiding you toward emotional and physical healing, discovering your life purpose, and finding the true path to happiness.

Discover the Ultimate Healing Retreat: Transform Your Life in Peru.
Are you ready to transform your life and embrace profound change?
This exclusive retreat is designed for those who seek to connect with their deeper selves and unlock their true potential.

Experience an Extraordinary Retreat in Peru.
Join us in the sacred land of Peru and unlock your hidden potential. Connect with the sacred elements, heal deeply, and transform your life through this unparalleled journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Book Your Spot Today
Don’t miss out on this life-changing experience. Book your spot today and take the first step towards a transformed, happier, and healthier you.

“Great Transformation during Shamanic Healing Retreat.”

It was a real incredible experience for us. The healing we received, really helped us to improve our relationship as a couple, as well as gave us many other discoveries on spiritual and physical levels. Thanks for making this healing retreat an unforgettable experience.
Maria and David

Ayahuasca Healing Process

This retreat is designed to change your life, to start your road to happy and healthy living. You will have support and guidance before and after the ceremonies by Nina – Bastet, who is a shamanic practitioner and professional transpersonal integration coach that has been working with plant medicine for the last 10 years.

The Authentic Peruvian Shaman Percy Garcia is dedicated to healing and NOT just to the visionary experience, who has more than 25 years of healing shamanic work dedicated to people seeking healing and spiritual development

Kambo Frog Medicine Healing

During retreat you will get help from Kambo frog medicine to release heavy energy, guilt, stagnation, negative emotions, and anything that is holding you back from manifesting your highest intentions. 
Kambo gives the power of creation, manifestation, prosperity, and supports us in the realization of our hearts deepest longings. On a physical level Kambo Frog Medicine helps to detox the body, prevent infections, bacteria, viruses and help with other issues.

Ayahuasca - Medicine for Body, Mind and Soul

Ayahuasca is the mixture of some healing plants prepared by shamans as the brew for drinking during shamanic ceremonies for healing purposes.
Ayahuasca ceremony is one of the strongest and fastest of all emotional release techniques, going to the root of the issue and removing it. 

Clearing your emotional baggage will bring you health and happiness, will help you to live in peace with yourself and other, will bring you closer to happiness and enlightenment.

This is the place, where you are able to find yourself. The real self, that may be lost in our civilized daily life, where usually no time to hear the inner voice of your soul.
This is a life changing and healing retreat, not just the Ayahuasca retreat – this is what makes the difference.

We’re here to serve you on your journey in creating a thriving life

Discover and experience the very essence of plants and animal spirits  – the wisdom, practices, sciences, philosophy, and lifestyle in a modern, easy to understand and relatable way to uplift and thrive in all realms of your life.

Through the Ceremonies during our Wellness Retreat you will be inspired & empowered to create a life that you enjoy, love and desire.

Healing Ayahuasca Retreat Peru Includes

3 Ayahuasca Ceremonies- Monday, Wednesday and Friday;
2-3 Kambo Healing Sessions;
1 Huachuma (San Pedro) (optional – the experience can take the whole 12-24 hours)*
3 Flower Bath Ceremonies;
Ajo-Sacha tea diet to help body cleansing and detox, and induce dreaming;
Individual healings by the shaman during ayahuasca ceremonies;
Additional healings outside of ceremony if the shaman sees it is required;
Group circle meetings where you can share your experiences, gain new insights from them and ask questions of our shaman.
Trip up the river to an Amazonian animal rescue center and a visit to the Bora tribe*
Daily Meditations, Lectures and Emotional healing consultations by Nina-Bastet;
2 Private, 1-on-1 Integration Sessions, after your retreat

Accommodation in the individual cabin (subject to availability prior to reservation) (or shared when 2 people are traveling);
Shamanic diet with tasty, nutritious and simple meals appropriates for working with plants medicine.
Pickups from hotels or Iquitos airport are included. The ride is around 40 minutes from the airport to the Village.

From the Village, you will need to walk 30 min to the center.
The luggage carrier from the village to the retreat is included (tips would be appreciated).
If you would like to stay in Iquitos we can book this for you at a very nice small hotel for around $45.
*at extra charge

Additional Features

To enhance the healing effect of the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants will receive other  ancestral treatments including other plant medicines to cleanse and balance all the body and energy systems.  Personalized treatments specific to the needs of each participant as well as integrative techniques that deepen the healing effect by addressing one’s perceptions and reactions to experiences will be given during the retreat.

Payments and Refunds

This is a Small Group Retreat with a maximum of 12 participants.

A deposit of $500 shall be paid during the reservation process, after confirmation of availability of accommodation, to assure the confirmation of your reservation.

The final installment is due 60 days before the retreat or at the reservation, whatever is sooner.
Price is subject to change to new reservations, before deposit is paid, depending on the world’s inflation situation.

All pre-payments are not refundable except:

Please contact us before paying for your retreat!

! Do not purchase any tickets earlier than the final confirmation is received by the organizer – around 45-30 days before the event.

Additional Information and direction will be given after the registration.

You can extend your Peru trip by Visiting Cusco, Machu Picchu, and Sacred Valley for 4 days after this retreat.
Extra Price for 4 days cultural trip is $1,350