It is easy to feel helpless when our human’s world is upside down. When so many people are living in a perpetual state of fear and uncertainty. At this turbulent time the emotions are very unstable, people are choosing sides and fighting with each other.
This is the world of duality, and everyone is entitled to feel frustrated and feared.
But even in the midst of this chaos in the world, you can learn to find comfort and happiness, you can live a balanced life.
This is where spirituality and Conscious Living can help.
Happy Living is a Conscious Living – 3 Hours Seminar with spiritual practices, meditation and teachings.
Awaken Consciousness is happening in Wheeling -close to Palwaukee Airport
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Happiness is a journey that one needs to take; there are no magic pill that will make you happy or Magic ceremony that someone can do for you so you can become happy.
Happiness can not be obtained through lying to yourself and pretending to be happy.
Happiness is obtained through transformation of mental and emotional state, through changing your habits, through work and conscious living.
- During the seminar you will learn why conscious living is necessary in order to become happy.
- You will learn the steps that need to be taken to start living a conscious life.
- You will learn why it is important to be healed from anger, from pain, suffering, sorrows, and heal yourself from fear.
- You will learn techniques to help you heal.
- You will be given easy techniques to take home for a conscious daily living.
We are powerful spiritual beings and need to wake up and remember this.
Start your healing process now!
Life is beautiful, and you can be part of this beauty, or keep suffering.
I hope you choose happiness and hope to see you at the seminar.
Seminar facilitator- Nina-Bastet