As wise yogis say: before you stand on your head, make sure you’ve prepared your mind!
Yoga, meditation, Kundalini awakening, and psychedelic plant medicine like Ayahuasca — all these powerful tools can lead to enlightenment, but only when approached with care and respect.
Just as they can guide you to profound insights, they can also cause harm if used without proper preparation and awareness.
Far too often, people rush into these practices without clearing the subconscious mind of blocks, fears, and unresolved traumas. This is where the danger lies.
If you’re not prepared, these transformative experiences can lead to confusion, fear, or even long-lasting emotional harm.
Many clients ask me, “Am I ready for an Ayahuasca ceremony?”
And many times, my answer is a gentle but firm, “Not yet.”
I recommend taking time to cleanse the subconscious, deepen your self-understanding, and begin the practice of forgiveness — for yourself and others.
It’s crucial not to push or force your way into a ceremony.
If you’re facing obstacles, take that as a sign to pause.
Rushing into the experience without true readiness can be risky, even dangerous.
When Ayahuasca Calls, You Will Know
Ayahuasca, Iboga, San Pedro, and other plant teachers have a way of calling you when the time is right.
You don’t choose them — they choose you!
This journey requires deep introspection and listening to the signs around you.
The universe will align your circumstances so that you arrive at the ceremony in the right place, at the right time, and under the guidance of the right facilitator.
It’s a sacred dance with the unknown, where you step beyond the veil into a world always present but often invisible to those living in modern society.
Plant medicine has long been revered for its ability to heal, reveal, and reconnect us to the deeper laws of the universe.
For Western minds, these sacred plants offer a path to:
- Heal past traumas
- Achieve inner wholeness
- Embrace forgiveness for yourself and others
- Transition to a higher state of consciousness, where understanding, harmony, and balance with nature reign supreme.
But remember, everyone’s path to wholeness is unique, don’t compare yourself to others!
When is The Right Time to Approach Plant Medicine?
The right time to seek help from these plant teachers is when your consciousness is truly ready to embrace the mystery of the universe.
Only then will fear and hesitation no longer hold you back. The scare stories you may have heard won’t shake you because you’ll have reached a place of inner readiness.
However, if the idea of working with psychedelics fills you with fear or doubt, this is a clear signal that you may not yet be prepared. There’s no rush on this journey — growth and healing happen in their own time.
My Approach to Plant Medicine
While I don’t conduct Ayahuasca ceremonies myself, I work closely with trusted, experienced guides who have a deep connection to these powerful plants.
At the retreats I organize, we use plant medicine as a tool to uncover and heal the roots of personal challenges.
Yet, if I sense that you’re not ready for this experience, I will guide you toward other practices that can serve your journey in the meantime.
Wishing you peace on your path, and may our worlds align.
I look forward to meeting you at our retreats in Costa Rica and Peru, where deep healing awaits.