emotional healing chicago illinois

3 Months Emotional Healing and Coaching Program

We all are different. No 2 people are the same, noone feels your emotions, like you do. But all of us learn the same tricks from the first years of our lives: to suppress our emotions.
Most of our life we were taught to supress our emotions, not to show such negative emotions as anger, sadness and many others. But even when we do not express them, we still fill and experience them.
All those years, when we where suppressing emotions, we were creating energy blocks in different parts of our body which creats many different illnesses.

Our 3 month emotional healing program program is designed to help one to heal the emotional traumas, and to move on to the state of happiness and life enjoinment.

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LETS MEDITATE DAILY AT 8:30pm Chicago Time zone (9:30 pm New York) Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up this process. We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

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MahaShivRatri a Magic Night to Ask for Help From Shiva and to be Heard by Him

In 2022  Maha Shivratri will be celebrated on the night of February 28. 2023 February 18 2024 March 8 2025 February 25 MahaShivRatri is one of the most significant Hindu festivals that celebrate the convergence of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. Maha Shivaratri is the night when Shiva is said to have performed the Tandava Nritya, or the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction. Maha Shivratri is observed to mark a remembrance of overcoming darkness and ignorance in life and the world. Unlike most festivals, it is celebrated at night.. Shivaratri is also when Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva […]

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How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines

By Jeremy R. Hammond, CHD Contributing Writer The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that tens of thousands of people die annually from the flu, but what the public isn’t told is that these numbers come from controversial models that may greatly overestimate, which happens to align with the CDC’s stated aim of using fear marketing to increase demand for flu vaccines.   The CDC claims that its recommendation that everyone aged six months and up should get an annual flu shot is firmly grounded in science. The mainstream media reinforce this characterization by misinforming the public about […]

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Magic Summer Solstice Retreat 2019 with Nina Bastet

June 21 – is considered an important turning point on the Wheel of the Year. Reality and dreams are mixed, the boundaries between the worlds become thinner. This day symbolizes the maximum peak, rise, takeoff, ecstasy, both in nature and in human life. Dreaming prophetic dreams and dreams from the future. This is one of the most magical periods of time. Through direct contact of a person with the elemental forces of the Earth, desires are made, the future is corrected. The Summer Solstice holiday embodies fertility, abundance, glory, triumph, generosity, fullness of life, happiness. Cheerfulness, vitality, fun reign in […]

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money are coming now! POD & POC!

Money and the Universal Law of Energy Exchange

One of the main Universal laws is the law of energy exchange. This is the law on which karma is built. This is what relationships are built on. This is the law that controls our whole life. The law is as follows: “Give to receive” Our body, our mind, our thoughts are in a constant and dynamic exchange of energy with the Universe. By our thoughts and actions, we can either accelerate and maintain this exchange of energy, or, conversely, disrupt it. Money is a form of energy. If you stop the flow, you destroy your life and the life […]

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